Chapter 23: The Demon vs Rick Fuller - March 15, 2000

The Demon was quite busy in March. Just the next day after his first tag team match, he returned to Saturday Night show which, except for one time, has always been good to him, to fight a guy named Rick Fuller. 

It's a pleasure to see The Demon being The Demon, and not being a gimmick played for laughs with Lenny Lane, Norman Smiley and such. So this simple appearance and fight was a breath of fresh air and a break from the silly feud he was involved with. It was also announced that he will be appearing on his second payperview, WCW Uncensored, in a tag team match teamed with Norman Smiley (ugh) against Lenny Lane and Idol/Rave as a conclusion to the feud.

Before that thought, we get to see The Demon have his warmup match. 

So Rick Fuller comes out first and he's actually a large guy. 

The Demon comes out next, as usual on the Saturday show, without his props.

The fight is actually interesting because you really don;t know who's going to win and both seem to be doing good pretty evenly. They have some interesting moves and it doesn't feel like a filler turn changing match. It's actually interesting and you begin to wonder who's going to win this one. After thinking that Fuller will have his day, surprisingly The Demon turns around and uses his finishing move on Miller, which now has yet another new name, "Destroyer".

The Demon wins